Today, i celebrate my husband, my best friend, father of my children, a man clearly after God’s heart, someone whose passion for God never ceases to amaze and inspire me to be a better worshiper and lover of Christ Jesus…. I celebrate his birthday today and ask you to do the same with me by sharing in one of his most important blessings: music. He shares his rendition of YOU ARE THE REASON today dedicating it to God the Almighty who is the reason why He is alive and well and will continually be for centuries if i have anything to say about it!!! πŸ˜€ I’ve never met a man so sincere, so caring, so faithful to God and man, so hardworking and i am convinced he is one of the best blessings i could ever obtain the favor of in my lifetime. I praise God for this man SEYI ALESH…. I will NEVER take you for granted, i love you with the love God creates in me daily especially for you, i honor you as long as we live, and i declare gratefully that you are extraordinary, irreplaceable, and an outstanding everything i can ask for πŸ™‚ HAPPY BIRTHDAY my MR. OLOLUFE!!! πŸ˜€

So folks…. Download it freely, share it, and celebrate my hubby’s day with us! πŸ™‚